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Cats and Kittens

Cats, also known as Felus Catus are the second most popular pets in the world. There are hundreds of different breeds and colours. Cats are the only domesticated branch of the felidae family. Here are some interesting facts about cats.

Cats also have whiskers on the backs of their front legs.

They can jump up to six times their length.

Cats have an extra organ that allows them to taste scents.

40% of cats are either left or right pawed.

Cats walk like camels and giraffes: They move both of their right feet first, then move both of their left feet. No other animals walk this way.

There are cats who have more than 18 toes. These extra-digit felines are referred to as being polydactyl.

Cats' purring may be a self-soothing behavior, since they make this noise when they're ill or distressed, as well as when they're happy.

When a cat flops over and exposes his belly, it's not always an invitation for a belly rub. A cat does this when he's relaxed and showing trust.

Thieving behavior is not uncommon among cats. They will often grab objects like stuffed animals, feather dusters, and other things that remind them of prey.

Cats are the only mammals that don't tast sweetness.

Aren't they adorable! 🐈 To learn more about cats, click here.