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🐾 Guinea Pigs 🐾

Guinea pigs, also known as the domestic cavy, are a species or rodent belonging to the genus Cavia in the family Caviidae. These adorable cuties are gentle and personable, and make great pets. Here are some facts about guinea pigs.

Baby guinea pigs are born fully formed with fur and teeth and are ready to run around after a few hours!

When guinea pigs are excited they might Popcorn. This is when they jump up in the air and often do a little twist too.

Guinea pigs have teeth that are constantly growing. This means they need to munch on food lots and lots to grind their teeth down.

A male guinea pig is called a boar and a female is called a sow. Baby guinea pigs are called pups.

The oldest guinea pig officially recorded lived to be 14 years and 10 months old.

Guinea pigs make lots of noises. The most well-know is the wheek! This is a sound they only make for their humans, usually to remind them to bring some food!

Guinea pigs have four toes on their front feet, but only three toes on each back foot.

Guinea pigs secrete a milky, white substance from their eyes which is used to lubricate the eyes and clean the guinea pigs' faces.

Some guinea pigs have swirly cowlicks across their body called rosettes.

Guinea pigs have a really wide field of vision at 340 degrees.

Aren't they the most adorable creatures! 🐹 To learn more about guinea pigs, click here.